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Anton Rohrer, Medical Doctor

General physician


Study of Medicine in Graz (Austria)

Office in Grosslobming (A- 8734 Grosslobming, Dorfplatz 2)

Lecturer for Homoeopathy at Medical University in Graz

Teacher for Homoeopathy in different training courses for medical doctors in Austria and Germany.


Homoeopathy is a healing art, which was founded by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) (see History). The term 'homoeopathy' is Greek origin (homoion pathos) and means 'similar suffering'. Hahnemann said shortly:
'Similar should be treated with similar'.

Homoeopathic treatment is a method that treats the patient in its totality. Classical homoeopathy is one of the most important methods of complementary medicine (alternative medicine, holistic medicine).